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SAE J1939 Data Monitoring And Simulation With The Arduino
The following is an excerpt from SAE J1939 ECU Programming & Vehicle Bus Simulation with Arduino by Wilfried Voss In general, there are three different intentions for connecting to a J1939 vehicle network: Mere monitoring, processing, and display of network data traffic. All functions as described under 1. but extended by the ability of sending data into the J1939 [...]
Arduino Compatible Industrial Controller Supports I/O Expansion Modules
The open-source ProductivityOpen platform presents all the features of a conventional Arduino plus an industrial controller. The processor circuit of the P1AM-100 Arduino-compatible CPU simulates the Arduino MKRZero microcontroller. The P1AM-100 is compatible with multiple available Arduino MKR format shields, plus the ProductivityOpen shields, and can employ most Arduino sketch programs found on open-source websites. Using the [...]
Arduino Compatible LIN Bus And CAN Bus Development Kit
LIN (Local Interconnect Network) is a serial network protocol used for communication between components in vehicles. The demand for a second serial network emerged as the technologies and the facilities implemented in modern cars grew, while the CAN Bus was too expensive to implement for every component in the car.The Arduino Compatible LIN Bus And CAN [...]
LIN To CAN Bus Gateway - Prototyping And Firmware Development With The Arduino-Compatible Teensy Board
In general, let's start with a brief comparison of CAN Bus (Controller Area Network) and LIN Bus (Local Interconnect Network): LIN Bus networks provide cost-efficient communication in applications where the bandwidth and versatility of the CAN Bus technology are not required. LIN Bus applications are relatively inexpensive using the standard serial universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter (UART) technology, which are embedded [...]
Educational Guides To Atmel AVR Microcontroller Programming
The AVR Microcontroller and Embedded Systems Using Assembly and C: Using Arduino Uno and Atmel StudioThe AVR microcontroller from Atmel (now Microchip) is one of the most widely used 8-bit microcontrollers. Arduino Uno is based on the AVR microcontroller; it is inexpensive and publicly available around the world. In this book, the authors use a [...]
Dual Isolated CAN FD Interface Board For Raspberry Pi, Arduino, And Other Embedded Systems
The 2-Channel CAN Bus interface board by Copperhill Technologies was primarily designed with the Raspberry Pi in mind but is, nevertheless, also suitable for other embedded systems such as the Arduino family of CPU boards. The board supports two CAN FD (CAN with Flexible Data-Rate) ports with a data rate of up to 8Mbps. It features [...]
Internet-of-Things (IoT) Projects Using The GSM/GPRS/GPS SIM800 Shield For Arduino
Our GSM/GPRS/GPS board is an Arduino shield based on the Quad-band GSM/GPRS/GPS module SIM808, rendering cellular and GPS tracking, all in one module. It allows you to add location-tracking, voice, text, SMS, and data to your application. This shield fits right on your Arduino or compatible device. At the heart is a powerful GSM cellular module (we use [...]
Internet-Of-Things (IoT) Development Board With Cortex M4 Core And Arduino Expansion
The LPC54018 IoT module, developed by NXP in partnership with Embedded Artists, is suitable for applications that require online and cloud access. It also includes software that allows your application to interface with AWS IoT Services. The module is based on NXP’s LPC54018 microcontroller, which comes with a Cortex-M4 core capable of operating at up to a 180 [...]
Arduino SIM Provides Easy Global Cellular Connectivity For Arduino IoT (Internet of Things) Cloud Projects
Arduino introduced Arduino SIM, a service solely for IoT (Internet of Things) devices based on the Arduino platform, providing developers and manufacturers cellular access to an IoT Cloud platform with a single data plan and competitive pricing. Arduino SIM strives to present a route to cellular IoT device development in a setting that is familiar to the [...]
Guide To Internet Connectivity With Arduino, Common IoT Protocols, Custom Web Visualization, And Android Apps
Building Arduino Projects for the Internet of Things helps you reach a firm foundation of Arduino-based device development, from which you can go in any direction according to your particular development requirements. Build Arduino-powered devices for daily use, and connect those devices to the Internet.The book introduces the building blocks of the Internet of Things (IoT), [...]