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A New Generation of SAE J1939 Gateway, ECU Simulator, and Starter Kit

Like many other businesses, we have to deal with the global shortage of electronic components. For instance, the NXP LPC 17xx processors we used for our SAE J1939 gateways and the starter kit are not available at this time. Even worse, there is no reliable information if/when production resumes. This situation forced us to rethink [...]

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SAE J1939 Data Acquisition System For Diesel Engines Measures And Records 23 Suspect Parameter Numbers (SPNs)

The Titan S8-CAN by Madgetech (USA) represents a data acquisition system for diesel engines that simultaneously measures and records 23 suspect parameter numbers (SPNs). The portable data logger suits engine, road, and diagnostic testing applications. It connects to an SAE J1939 network via the diagnostic port and supports the monitoring and recording of SAE J1939 messages between Tier 1 [...]

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Design Of Proprietary Parameter Group Numbers (PGNs)

For a brief introduction to PGNs, see our post SAE J1939 Message Format and Interpretations of PGNs.As the name Proprietary Parameter Group Numbers implies, the SAE J1939 standard supports Parameter Groups in PDU1 and PDU2 Format that manufacturers can assign for their specific needs, which includes the design of the data field in the message. [...]

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Guide to SAE J1939 - Parameter Group Number Compilation

The following is an excerpt from  A Comprehensible Guide To J1939 by Wilfried Voss. For internal purposes, the parameter group number is extended to 24 bits = 3 bytes, where the most significant 6 bits are always set to zero. Each ECU must accomplish this process individually; this procedure is not part of the CAN standard. To compile [...]

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A Beginner's Guide to SAE J1939 Embedded Software Development

Introduction Welcome to my beginner's guide! By opening this page, you have entered the first and probably most crucial stage toward developing your SAE J1939 project: Reading. Over the years, I dealt with many newcomers to the J1939 technology, some of them motivated by great product ideas. Others were thrown into a project because they were [...]

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SAE J1939 Starter Kit With Diesel Engine Simulation Plus VIN Request Demo

Our JCOM.J1939 Starter Kit And Network Simulator is designed to allow the experienced engineer as well as the beginner to experiment with SAE J1939 data communication without the need of connecting to a real-world SAE J1939 network, i.e. a diesel engine. It may sound obvious, but in order to establish a network, you need at least two [...]

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SAE J1939 Message Format And Interpretation Of PGNs

It happens on a regular basis that I am contacted by a user of our  SAE J1939 ECU Simulator Board With USB Port, complaining that our device does not display a PGN correctly or modifies the PGN before transmitting. The real problem here is a misinterpretation of the PGN and its purpose. For instance, a PGN [...]

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SAE J1939 Address Management Messages (Address Claim PGNs)

The following is an excerpt from  A Comprehensible Guide To J1939 by Wilfried Voss. According to  SAE J1939/81, network management procedures are used to “collectively manage the network”.While other higher layer protocols based on CAN Bus do not support dynamic node address assignments per default, the SAE J1939 standard provides yet another ingeniously designed feature to uniquely identify ECUs [...]

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Guide To SAE J1939 - Parameter Group Numbers (PGN)

The following is an excerpt from A Comprehensible Guide To J1939 by Wilfried Voss. SAE J1939 is a very ingeniously designed protocol that takes a resourceful advantage of the CAN 29-Bit message identifier. Rather than relying on a myriad of protocol functions, SAE J1939 uses predefined parameter tables, which keeps the actual protocol on a comprehensible level. However, these parameter tables [...]

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Guide To SAE J1939 - J1939 Message Format

The following is an excerpt from A Comprehensible Guide To J1939 by Wilfried Voss. The main document describing the J1939 message format is SAE J1939/21 – Data Link Layer. J1939/21 defines the use of the CAN data frame (29-bit identifier, Parameter Group Numbers – PGN, etc.) and the transport protocol functions, i.e. a definition of how messages longer than the standard [...]

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