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SAE J1939 Diagnostic Device Includes a PGN, SPN Database

The handheld PCAN-Diag FD device from PEAK-System supports diagnosing communication on a CAN (FD) network. In addition, a separately available module extends the functionality to analyze SAE J1939 data traffic. The SAE J1939 Standard describes communication in utility vehicles via CAN Bus. The standard specifies messages and data for transmitting diagnostic and control information using PGNs (Parameter Group Numbers) and [...]

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Extending ESP32 Functionality by Using Raspberry Pi HATs

The ESP32 processor integrates peripherals such as UART, CAN Bus, WIFI, and Bluetooth, allowing a wide range of applications. Its low price adds to its popularity.  Various ESP32 development boards, such as the ESP32-WROOM-32, are available in the market, as shown to the left. However, compared to popular systems like the Raspberry Pi or Arduino, the [...]

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ESP32 Triple CAN Bus Application Through Adding Two MCP2515 Ports

The first question that may arise when talking about accessing the MCP2515 CAN Bus controller per ESP32 may be, "Why would you need an MCP2515 controller when the ESP32 comes with an internal CAN port?" Yes, I found this question in one of the online forums while researching this particular topic. The answer is easy: [...]

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SAE J1939 - Simulation of Request Message with J1939 to USB Gateway

The above image shows my SAE J1939 test setup with three nodes connected through our CAN-Bus Hub with 7 Ports and DC Power Connection. They are: SAE J1939 to USB Gateway in Plastic Enclosure...  SAE J1939 ECU Simulator Board With USB Port... PEAK PCAN-USB Pro FD - CAN, CAN FD, and LIN Interface for High-Speed USB 2.0... The PCAN-USB [...]

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SAE J1939: Simulation of Analog and Digital Signals with the JCOM1939 Monitor Software

The JCOM1939 Monitor Software is ideal for monitoring, recording, analyzing, and simulating SAE J1939 data traffic. The system works in combination with our SAE J1939 gateways. This comprehensive and easy-to-use, easy-to-understand Windows software displays not only SAE J1939 data traffic but also scans the network, simulates an ECU (incl. full node address negotiation features), and responds [...]

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Any CAN Bus, SAE J1939, NMEA 2000 Development Requires the Right Testing Tools

I want to reiterate a point made in a previous post ("A Beginner's Guide to SAE J1939 Embedded Software Development"): When developing and testing your CAN Bus application, may it be Classical CAN, CAN FD, CANopen, SAE J1939, or NMEA 2000, you need to connect your device to a functional network. One solitary node connected to your [...]

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Data Acquisition from Heavy Duty Vehicles Using SAE J1939 CAN Bus

Modern vehicles have electronic control units (ECUs) to control various subsystems such as the engine, brakes, steering, air conditioning, and infotainment. These ECUs (or ‘controllers’) are networked to convey information and output measured and calculated data to each other.This in-vehicle network is a data goldmine for improved maintenance, measuring vehicle performance and its subsystems, fleet [...]

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NMEA 2000 / SAE J1939 Data Scanner with BLE Interface for iOS Applications

This post is a follow-up on NMEA 2000 Data Scanner with Bluetooth, BLE for Android, iOS, PC Applications. In this new post, I also include SAE J1939, since NMEA 2000 is based on J1939.  Also, in this particular case, instead of the NMEA2000-compatible 5-pin M12 connector, I used a DSUB9, which applies to the CAN Bus and [...]

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NMEA 2000 Data Scanner with Bluetooth, BLE for Android, iOS, PC Applications

Our N2K-BT gateway functions as a NMEA 2000 to Bluetooth data scanner for any host device with a Bluetooth or BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) port, such as PCs, phones, or tablets. Therefore, it supports operating systems such as Windows, Linux, iOS, Android, and more. In addition, the wireless communication protocol employs easy-to-read and easy-to-process ASCII [...]

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ESP32 Project: USB to Bluetooth Gateway

The ESP32 processor allows the integration of Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and Bluetooth LE (BLE) for a wide range of IoT (Internet of Things) applications. Using Wi-Fi ensures connectivity within a large radius. At the same time, Bluetooth allows the user to easily detect (with low-energy beacons) a module and connect it to an Android/iOS smartphone or [...]

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