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Installing python-can on the Raspberry Pi

Posted by Wilfried Voss on

This post demonstrates the steps required to install python-can on the Raspberry Pi for use with PiCAN2, PiCAN3, PiCAN-M CAN Bus HATs.

First make sure the driver is installed. See:

PiCAN2, PiCAN3, and PiCAN-M Driver Installation for Raspberry Pi...

Now install python-can:

pip3 install python-can

Check there is no error.

You can now initialize the CAN interface:

sudo /sbin/ip link set can0 up type can bitrate 500000

Check there is no error message returned. Now we can try the interactive python shell. Start typing at the prompt:


To sent a message out type the following lines:

import can
bus = can.interface.Bus(channel='can0', bustype='socketcan_native')
msg = can.Message(arbitration_id=0x7de,data=[0, 25, 0, 1, 3, 1, 4, 1])

Installing python-can on the Raspberry Pi

Check CAN frames on the bus.

To received messages and display on screen type:

notifier = can.Notifier(bus, [can.Printer()])

Installing python-can for Raspberry Pi

For more Python sample code, see: