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CAN Bus Prototyping With Arduino Uno - CAN Bus Network Monitoring under Windows

This post is part of a series about Controller Area Network (CAN Bus) Prototyping With the Arduino Uno. While programming the Arduino can be exciting (especially since everything works so smoothly), the real fun comes when you can extend the Arduino’s reach to a PC running Windows. Note: My apologies to all Mac and LINUX users for bringing a Windows programming [...]

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PiCAN2 CAN Bus Board for Raspberry Pi - Functionality Test

The PiCAN2 board provides Controller Area Network (CAN) Bus capabilities for the Raspberry Pi. It uses the Microchip MCP2515 CAN Bus controller with MCP2551 CAN Bus transceiver. Connections are made via a 4-way screw terminal or DSUB-9 connector. This board is also available with a 5VDC/1A SMPS (switch mode power supply) that can power both the Pi and [...]

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CAN Bus Prototyping With Arduino Uno - A Simple CAN Bus Network Monitoring and Diagnostics Program

This post is part of a series about Controller Area Network (CAN Bus) Prototyping With the Arduino Uno.The Arduino board in combination with the CAN Bus shield provides the hardware for a full-fledged CAN network monitoring tool, and this next Arduino program is a first step in that direction.However, before we get into more detail, let me issue [...]

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PiCAN2 Duo CAN Bus Board for Raspberry Pi - Functionality Test

The  PiCAN2 DUO board provides two independent CAN Bus interfaces for the Raspberry Pi. It uses the Microchip MCP2515 CAN Bus controller with MCP2551 CAN Bus transceiver. Connections are made via a 4-way screw terminal. This board is also available with a 5VDC/1A SMPS (switch mode power supply) that can power both the Pi and the [...]

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Local Interconnect Network (LIN) To Controller Area Network (CAN Bus) Converter

The LIN (Local Interconnect Network) bus is an inexpensive serial communications protocol, which effectively supports remote application within a car's network. It is particularly intended for mechatronic nodes in distributed automotive applications, but is equally suited to industrial applications. It is intended to complement the existing CAN network leading to hierarchical networks within cars.Controller Area Network [...]

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CAN Bus Prototyping With Arduino Uno - Extended CAN Bus Shield Test

This post is part of a series about Controller Area Network (CAN Bus) Prototyping With the Arduino Uno.In this next, extended example, we use the same program as shown in the previous chapter but add a CAN receiving routine to it. The result, i.e. the received messages, will be displayed through the Arduino serial monitor.// Simple CAN Shield Test#include [...]

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CAN Bus Prototyping With Arduino Uno - Simple CAN Bus Shield Test

This post is part of a series about Controller Area Network (CAN Bus) Prototyping With the Arduino Uno.The most exciting part about this project is when it comes to the point where two CAN nodes communicate with each other. I started off with writing a simple program that sent messages that were received by my USB-to-CAN gateway and its [...]

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CAN Bus Prototyping With Arduino Uno - The MCP2515 Library

This post is part of a series about Controller Area Network (CAN Bus) Prototyping With the Arduino Uno.As with any serial networking controller, the essential functions are: InitializationRead DataWrite DataCheck StatusIn case of the MCP2515 library, these functions are represented by: Initialization: CAN0.beginRead Data: CAN0.readMsgBuf incl. CAN0.checkReceive, CAN0.getCanIdWrite Data: CAN0.sendMsgBufCheck Status: CAN0.checkErrorFunction CallsFunction:           CAN0.beginPurpose: Initializes the CAN controller and [...]

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CAN Bus Prototyping With Arduino Uno - Arduino CAN Sketches

This post is part of a series about Controller Area Network (CAN Bus) Prototyping With the Arduino Uno.The implementation of either one of the introduced CAN Bus Shields and the corresponding CAN Bus sketches went surprisingly smooth when paired with the right library software. I found several source codes for accessing the MCP2515 CAN controller, but most of [...]

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CAN Bus Prototyping With Arduino Uno - Arduino CAN Shields

This post is part of a series about Controller Area Network (CAN Bus) Prototyping With the Arduino Uno. Since Controller Area Network (CAN) is predominantly targeted at industrial solutions (versus the vastly more popular USB for non-industrial use such as home and lab), there aren’t too many choices available in the market. Through some research (i.e. browsing) I found two very similar [...]

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