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RS232 to USB Converter With Arduino Due Or Mega 2560
Just about everyone who is involved with serial communication will have his/her RS232 to USB converter. Today's PCs don't even bother to support RS232. Consequently, a USB converter is mandatory to monitor RS232 data traffic. All this appears to render the following project obsolete. However, when it comes to a protocol converter, i.e. the conversion [...]
Wireless IoT Platform Connects CAN Bus, Ethernet, USB To The Cloud
A new wireless IoT edge node, called the PingPong, is a flexible and powerful hardware platform for connecting field devices to the cloud. The module from Round Solutions is a small form factor board supported by an RTOS running with a Microchip PIC32MZ 32-bit MCU and a high-speed cellular Telit module. It is based on a modular hardware [...]