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Master The Arduino Due To Communicate through Ethernet, WiFi, USB, Firmata, and Xbee

Arduino Sketches is a practical guide to programming the increasingly popular microcontroller that brings gadgets to life. Accessible to tech-lovers at any level, this book provides expert instruction on Arduino programming and hands-on practice to test your skills. You will find coverage of the various Arduino boards, detailed explanations of each standard library, and guidance on [...]

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ARM Cortex M4 Computing Platform With FreeRTOS For Modbus / TCP Remote Digital I/O Applications

Artila Electronics, a designer and manufacturer of embedded device networking and computing, released their RIO-2015PG, a FreeRTOS programmable remote I/O module. The RIO-2015PG is powered by a 32-bit Atmel SAM4E16E 120MHz ARM Cortex M4 processor, which comes with 256KB SRAM, 3MB Flash and the FreeRTOS real time operating system. The industrial I/O of RIO-2015PG features [...]

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Serial Converter Supports Multiple RS-485 and Industrial Ethernet Protocols

Automation Networks announced the release of their ANC-300e Converter. The ANC-300e has the combined performance as an Ethernet and RS-485 serial converter. The gateway behaves like a protocol converter/translator that allows difficult data interchanges and connections between incompatible networks.Supported RS-485 serial Protocols: Modbus Sniffer, A.O. Smith AIN, A.O. Smith PDNP, BACnet MS/TPClient, BACnet MS/TP Server, TCS Basys [...]

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Wireless IoT Platform Connects CAN Bus, Ethernet, USB To The Cloud

A new wireless IoT edge node, called the PingPong, is a flexible and powerful hardware platform for connecting field devices to the cloud. The module from Round Solutions is a small form factor board supported by an RTOS running with a Microchip PIC32MZ 32-bit MCU and a high-speed cellular Telit module. It is based on a modular hardware [...]

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